Sunday, July 13, 2008

Running with the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain

Pamplona, Spain is hosting its annual Festival of San Fermin, most famous for its "Running of the Bulls", an 800-meter chaotic dash from corral to bullring through the narrow streets of Pamplona. Once the bulls arrive at the Plaza de Toros, they are again corralled until the afternoon's bullfights (corridas). The festival, started in the sixteenth

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Rio de Janeiro, Just Sensational

Few cities in the world have such beautiful scenery. Situated between the mountains and the sea , the "Wonderful City" welcomes visitors with open arms. Copacabana, one of Brazil's most famous beaches, is the scene of the greatest New Year's celebration in the world. Ipanema and Leblon are permanent attractions during the day.

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Should you check or ship your bags?

f you're like most travelers, you've probably never considered shipping your luggage ahead of you instead of carrying it with you on a trip. But is this still the case? Most major airlines are now charging travelers to check a first or second bag on domestic flights — even as they continue to mishandle luggage in record numbers.

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Drowned Woman's Body Haunts Rafters

Police say white water rafters going through the tricky Blossom Bar rapids on southern Oregon's Rogue River may see the body of a California woman who drowned there last week but cannot be recovered because of treacherous conditions in the rapids on the Wild and Scenic portion of the river.

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Study: The Most Obnoxious Tourists in the World

Remember the tightwad tourist whose baggy shorts, frequent complaining and shouted questions about why none of the locals spoke any English made the ugly American the world's Visitor From Hell? Well, it's time for Archie Bunker to move over and make way for Petulant Pierre.

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